20 December, 2005

Cult of Personality?

I can't wait for the commentary on this one.

I remember remarking to a friend recently that he was part of some "objectivist" "cult of Ayn Rand." So funny that I should stumble upon the following today: "Ayn Rand was a truculent, domineering cult-leader, whose objectivist pseudo-philosophy attempts to ensnare adolescents with heroic fiction about righteous capitalists."

Curiosity piqued, I eventually stubbed my finger on http://www.lewrockwell.com/rothbard/rothbard23.html and let out a hearty chortle after skimming it. I don't know anything about the site or whether it's a hoax, or what, but I found it hilarious.

I think I'll continue my googling in this vein when I find the time.

Har de har har, sweetheart. I brought six pounds of pork chops; I returned home with 3 small pieces for innommable.

Gazoo's "Red Lobster" Biscuits were devoured, and I am gathering recipes for some bitchin' goods. You should come for dindin sometime.
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